#39 my story

I spent time working on lessons and updates before going and visiting with Linda. We will return to Guatemala on Tuesday.

The Florida team had pizza for all of the children. Two ladies will give their testimonies of abuse. Louisiana team giving popcorn and M&Ms.

Angie’s father lives in Escatawba Mississippi and has 5 suit cases with items for the children. He is willing to drive 2 hours to give one or more to anyone who can bring them to Casa.


It was about this time that the court began to send us children from Peronia which was like a satellite area to Guatemala City. Following the great earthquake of 1976 the government had to give land to displaced families. The main reason being that water tables had changed due to the quake and it was dangerous for families to live in those areas.

Peronia was not much better. Water was brought in by trucks so families had to provide container themselves to get the water. This was not very sanitary. Most of the homes were made of tin or just rough lumber. The floors remained dirt and there is a long rainy season so much of the time the families lived in mud and when there was no mud they lived in dust.

Angelina who was from was the first girl to come to Casa arrived at Casa with her two brothers and a sister. The older brother, Jorge, would do three things that will forever remain in my mind. When we left San Cristobal we moved to a chicken ranch in Santa Maria. I could not understand how we were able to rent a 6 bedroom, 8 bathroom home with a huge gathering hall inside the house for only $500 a month.

It was during this period that we were able to get commodities from the USA. People would voce from everywhere to get bags of corn, rice and beans. So we felt like we were where God wanted us. But what happens next was to shake us to our core.