We had coffee and a good visit with Thom and Shawna’s pastor and his wife. They ae Freddy and Susan Wyatt.

The social workers had a meeting with the house parents. The theme was how to have a better relationship with the children. We all need to know how to do that.

The team presented a movie for the children. They also painted t-shirts with Esperanza dorm.

This Sunday we will be at Fayette Baptist in Somerville, Tn. It isa 3 hour drive from Clarksville but the service does not start until 10:30.

The team painted the walk-over between the school and the girl’s dorms.

We had dinner with Thom and Shawna.


Mellor writes:

Recently my wife and I sat charmed at an outdoor performance by young Suzuki violin students. After the concert, an instructor spoke briefly on how children as young as two, three and four years old are taught to play violin. The first thing the children learn, he said, is a proper stance. And the second thing the children learn–even before they pick up the violin–is how to take a bow. “If the children just play the violin and stop, people may forget to show their appreciation,” the instructor said. “But when the children bow, the audience invariably applauds. And applause is the best motivator we’ve found to make children feel good about performing and want to do it well.”

Adults love applause too. Being affirmed makes us feel wonderful. If you want to rekindle or keep the flame of love glowing in your marriage through the years, try showing and expressing your appreciation for your mate. Put some applause in your marriage and watch love grow.
