Another cold morning that warmed by early afternoon. I took the opportunity to make radio shows for KAJN in Crowley.

Jose Eduardo, a great young man, returned to his family today. He was a huge help in Dottie’s garden and the children’s ministry. We will miss him.

The staff had a time of praise, prayer and the Word.Jim preached.

Jose with Dottie

Justification is Just-as-if-I-never sinned. The evidence of justification is the works. Your life changes. Romans 5:5.

  1. An open door to peace. V1 “peace with God”. When Christ enters our lives and removes our sins forever there is a tremendous amount of peace. There is no turmoil or fear about what is coming because we know it is already done in Jesus.
  2. An open door to grace. V 2a “Access by faith into this grace”. I cannot imagine what it would be like to not know the mercy of God. I love all the traits of our heavenly Father but His mercy thrills me. I deserve nothing good. It is all a gift from God.
  3. An open door to joy. V2b. “rejoice in hope of the glory of God”. How can anyone have lasting, daily, 24-hour joy without Jesus? The hope of eternal life thrills me with joy and happiness.
  4. An open door to glory. V3. “Glory in tribulations”. Only a believer can rejoice in the midst of problems. Normally our glory comes in victory so God is telling us His glory comes when we stand tall in trials.
  5. An open door to perseverance. V5b. “hope maketh not ashamed and love of God maketh not ashamed”. You are able to continue in the face if difficulties. You put your head down and push on towards the prize that Jesus has for you.
  6. An open door to power. V5b. “By the Holy Ghost which is given to us”. There is not doubt that we cannot do any of the qualities God desires for us without His power. The Holy Spirit is the power of God in my life.