: We had a staff party for 90 staff members. It was well organized and bundle of fun.

We gave gifts to grand kids who will not be here later this week and Natasha, age 3, said “It is not my birthday”.


Grandkids from Tennessee

The Book of Proverbs tells us how to have a happy home.

  1. Always be honest.
  2. Count your blessings.
  3. Bear one another’s burdens.
  4. Forgive and forget.
  5. Be kind and tenderhearted.
  6. Comfort one another.
  7. Keep your promises.
  8. Be supportive of one another.
  9. Be true to each other.
  10. Look after each other.
  11. Treat each other as you treat your friends.
  12. Love one another deeply from the heart.


If we do these things our family life will approach what Jesus desires it to be.