I performed the wedding for Brian & Cindy.

Forty years ago KAJN radio was born & has been instrumental in helping Casa. Not only have I been with KAJN daily since the beginning but Brother Barry has become a dear brother in the Lord. We wish them the best. God has used them for all of these years to touch so many lives. It is my privilege to preach on it daily for all of these years


Calcasieu River rising in Mark’s yard where we are stayingBad choices seem to snowball. From Abraham learn the value of faith. From Moses we learn the value of obedience. From Joseph we learn the value of God’s care. But from Lot we learn the importance of good choices.

Lot chose to live in Sodom. Evidently he chose not to teach his sons and daughters about God. Most chose to stay in Sodom. He must not have been a priest in his home teaching his life the ways of God. Bad choices all around!

What choices affect our lives?

If you have made wrong choices do what Lot did and Obey. Get out of Sodom!

If you have made wrong choices do what Peter did: Repent and Serve.

If you have made wrong choices do what Paul did: Accept forgiveness & Live for Christ.