Happy or Joyful?

We finished another home for a pastor and need only the roofs for two churches in Tecpan & Esquintla which cost $2000 each should anyone want to help. We are completing about 6 churches or pastor’s home per year.

The new boy in dialysis is Alex and he is 7 years old. This fills our available space.

Oscar is an architect and teaches in our school and works with the construction

I am such an open book and am not ashamed of it. When you read my updates you see my victories and struggles. I am so terribly human. When asked where I get my thoughts for radio shows and updates I answer, “I share what I am going through because the majority of Christians have the same struggles.”

The last 7 months have been so difficult with the deaths of Luis and Marjory. There have been at least three other circumstances that weighed heavy upon me. Happiness is what happens TO YOU whereas joy is what happens IN YOU. Happiness is fleeting because circumstances change daily. But joy is the deep abiding knowledge that God is in control.

When I lose sight of that I falter and waver and struggle. When I remember His promises and all that He has done for Dottie and our family as well as Casa I stay in victory because negative circumstances do not stop us. Persistence is the key! Without the desire to never give up and quit we do not have that joy which we cannot understand.