Weakness ain’t bad

Glory to God!! Kevin was accepted into medical school today. Alleluia!

The chairman of our board, Wes, lost his father today following a short illness. Our hearts and prayers are with the family. Wes has kept me stable for over a quarter of a century.

Eight of the little boys moved from the baby dorm to Walt & Randi’s new dorm. Excitement filled the air.

Another team from West Virginia arrived & will try to finish the ceiling as well as paint the sheetrock in Casa de Antoni.

Vanessa and Josue’

II Corinthians 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Hughes said, “The greater the servants’s weakness, the more conspicuous is the power of His Master’s all-sufficient grace.”

The older I become the more aware I am of how God has walked with me throughout the years. Also the older I get the more aware I am of how much I need Him daily.

The weaker you become the greater the work God can accomplish through you. I look back often as I remember the first years of my life in Lafayette, Lake Charles and Guatemala. I thought I knew it all and could do it all but falling on your face has a way of waking you up to reality.

Often I go outside my house at night and look t dorms and other buildings. I try and recall the names and faces of the 1000’s of children who slept in those dorms. I also remember staff members and visitors over the years who made such a huge impact on Casa and the children.

It humbles me to think of those who have helped us and how impossible it would have been without them.