Our Tears #1

Keiser had his examinations & they were over the top positive. The physicians are so very happy but not nearly as happy as Dottie, Aroldo & I are.


Love in the air! Josue’ & Vanessa and Orlando & Susie


Hobbs speaks of the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3:4 where the Lord speaks of a time for everything. He says there is a time to laugh and a time to weep. I would like to look at the tears that are shed by us as Christians.

All of us have cried. Sometimes our pain is so deep that we weep from within our bowels. But tears are God’s way to bless us and He even captures our tears in a bottle. In heaven He promises us there will be no more tears and sorrow.

First, we enter this world with tears as the doctor slaps our bottom so that life will begin to flow. Crying is how a baby communicates and a mother realizes if the baby’s cry is one of hunger or one of pain or one of discomfort or one of desiring attention. Without the crying the mother has no idea as to what their baby needs.

God created a baby’s tears and cry to speak to the mother.