Our psychologists have been working with some of the children who need grief counseling The Covid has separated families as the parents have been unable to visit their children for over a year now.

Without the normal teams coming to Casa that has been difficult also as the children look forward every year to see their sponsors or simply see folks who come yearly.

The seminary group is doing a survey with teens 15 and older as part of their requirements.

It is still amazing to me how we have been able to pay our bills throughout this pandemic. It is a testimony to your love for our children.

Georgie  put on her Casa page that we needed certain clothes items for kids and she received $1200 and spent $1800. Without teams this is the way to do it. If you want to help buy clothes for the children mark your check and we will buy what we can as we get the money. Normally teams bring clothes but we have lost 2 summers of visitors