#520 our story

Estephany, dialysis, was hospitalized because her catheter is failing. Please pray for a miracle.

Gladys has done an incredible job of getting and packing Christmas gifts and a bag of clothes for every child.

My trip to the dentist went quickly & he installed a false tooth. 

 Two of our children’s father passed away today.

Dottie hosted a Thanksgiving dinner with Cristine, Georgie & Bob all bringing a dish.

The New York team had pizza with 3 dorms.

Please pray for Estefany

6/25/2003. The First Lady called today that she had been over ruled and customs was going to charge a fee for us bringing in containers. She was very apologetic. The Mississippi and Alabama teams wrapped up this VBS today and it has been life changing for so many children. Of course the children are very disappointed that it is over.

6/26. I took John to the US Embassy to apply for a new passport. He needs that to get a driver’s license since his was stolen. The First Lady called again and said she was trying to get an exemption for us on the containers currently in port. Dottie had a medical appointment so following that she and I bought furniture for the new office complex. 

6/27. Today I did something that I hated to do and that was to ask a judge to send a child to another home. We received a 13 year old girl and she was very sexually active as she had been having sex with her father. It became apparent that she was going to influence the other girls and be a distraction for the boys as well. The judge agreed and she was sent to an all girls home. We were called by a judge in Chimaltenango at 1am to please take a boy abandoned in a city park in Saragosa. Carlos went and picked up the child.