#67b our story

Mynor had a good first day in his class. He is having to stay in the city for two weeks so that was new for him. Sleeping in a hotel, eating out and taking a cab back and forth are all new experiences.

Kenneth and the college boys took down a huge bee hive.


Another view of the pastor’s home

I think that one of the worst experiences of my life was what happened to Jorge’. Let me tell you something about him first. You will remember that he was the boy that helped me the night the guerillas encircled our home.

Later I was asked to preach in a village beyond Tecpan. It was an all indigenes’ population there and since it was on a mountain we were literally preaching in the clouds. It was so cold. The church was made of adobe and they did not have any seating yet the church was filled with folks sitting on the dirt.

As we were returning home Jorge’ was extremely silent so I asked him if he was ok. He was crying and said, “Papi, we need to build them a church.” I told him that I wanted him to tell the children what he had experienced.

Sunday morning he shared with our children and some visitors what he had seen. Hearts were moved! The children took an offering and the visitors were very generous. The members of the church provided the labor as well as the sand and gravel taken from a river bed.

It was the first of over 100 churches that the children with help from visitors have constructed.

But what happened to Jorge’ at age 22 was one of the worst days of my life