worship and praise #3

Sebastian will go Wednesday to the Department of Labor for them to look over our books. This is stressful so pray for Sebastian to have wisdom and peace.

Adam is hosting a pastor’s conference this week along with Josh and folks from Huntsville. The pastors will sleep here at Casa but will meet at Adam’s place on the mountain. Pray that these pastor’s will be filled with wisdom and encouragement.

Now that God has answered our prayers for interim dorm parents please begin to pray for someone to come forth to take care of visitors. This involves scheduling, buying groceries and cleaning when the teams leave. This is a tremendous responsibility.


As we share about worshipping God we have seen singing; lifting our hands; speaking; thanking Him; dance and playing instruments for His glory. None of the things that we do should draw attention to us. Remember how Michal, the wife of David, got angry with David for dancing before the ark? She thought he was doing this to draw attention to Himself.

We should not do anything as rote. Some folks do the things I have mentioned but it is by habit and not be the movement of the Holy Spirit. God is not blessed with any of the things we are sharing if our heart is not right.

Hebrews 2:12 “I will declare Your name to my brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to you”. This seventh method of worshipping God is based on group worship. When we gather we should worship God as the body of Christ.

The eighth method of praising God is found in Romans 12:1 “I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your reasonable service.” Our bodies are instruments of worship. We are to keep our bodies pure as an offering to Jesus. I am to care for my body and not do it any harm or use it for sinful purposes.