When we left Clarksville there was a fatal accident involving an 18 wheeler. When we arrived in Guatemala there was an accident involving an 18 wheeler with 7 fatalities. We arrived home at 10pm.

We saw Josue, Estella’s husband, at the airport in Nashville.

A fumigation company came and sprayed bees.

The Oklahoma group had a movie for Los Cometas and Estrelitas.


Some time ago, a school teacher in New York taught the Lord’s Prayer to her class, and they all learned it. Then one time she called up her pupils one by one and asked each one to repeat the Lord’s Prayer. One of the boys said, “Harold be Thy name” instead of “Hallowed be Thy name.” Another said, “Give us this day our jelly bread.” Another said, “Lead us not into Penn Station.” Another said, “Deliver us from eagles.”

Our prayers need to be first of all thanksgiving. A grateful heart can pray. We seem to fall short of recognizing all we have around us. Second there needs to be petition which simply means you bare your soul to God for what is in your heart. Third your prayer is one of intercession. Get your eyes off of yourself and look at the needs of those people in your life and then intercede for others such as the government, etc.

Now we get to the fourth stage and that is worship. Someone said that worship is worth-ship. Praising God for His worthiness. You need to recognize the holiness of God and His love for you.

Make prayer a daily activity!