The weather is cool but the children are loving to play with their gifts.

I have been walking outside more and more. Each day I feel a little better.

Emily should come home from the hospital tomorrow. Mario and Mariella were able to spend some time with her at the hospital today.

Some of the boys cut grass with machetes on the new back proporty.

Jose Armando proposing to Tatiana


Burke speaks of humility in an arrogant world.

  1. The humble can wait patiently while the arrogant want it now.
  2. The humble demonstrates kindness while the arrogant doesn’t even notice the need.
  3. The humble are content, not jealous or envious, while the arrogant feels he needs more.
  4. The humble honor and esteems the other while the arrogant brags on himself.
  5. The humble does not act unbecomingly while the arrogant’s manners are rude.
  6. The humble show a servant’s spirit while the arrogant demands to be served.
  7. The humble are not easily provoked while the arrogant are quick to take offense.
  8. The humble quickly forgive a wrong suffered while the arrogant cannot rest until the even the score.