Years ago God said to me “What you have you need and what you do not have you do not need”. The money to continue the work on the dialysis building is dwindling. Therefore in obedience to God to count the cost I will slow down construction of the dialysis building. We need for our general finances to stabilize. We are asking teams to consider helping us to raise money to do specific projects. For instance, the government has asked us to redo our dorm bathrooms. So if a team could help with the financing and then come and do the work that would be an answer to prayer. Contact me if you want to help.

We still want all teams to come as they have in the past to do VBS, play with the children, feed the poor, etc.

Cindy returned home from surgery and the catheter is working.

We truly had a great board meeting. Thom Spignor is our new chairman; Wes Hall is the new secretary & Andy Nixon is our new project executive.