Gretchen is going to return to Casa in December so we are all excited.She is not on the Mercy Ship.

Dottie fixed gumbo for the staff in the office, psychology and the clinic which is a total of 19 people.

The block layers are raising the fence 2 feet as I explained to you previously.

Office, medical and psychology staff luncheon


“Adonijah…put himself forward and said, “I will be king”.

Adonijah was the oldest living son of David. Joab and Abiathar were were advisors to David supported Adonijah against David as the next king. David promised the throne to Solomon. So at first Adonijah lost his dream to be king.

But he realized he did not care what David wanted. He actually hired a group of royal footmen and chariots to demonstrate he was king. He even performed the official sacrifices and sent out invitations to his own coronation.

His problem was his unwillingness to respect his father and others. He did not want to accept God’s will either if it contradicted his own will. This self-centeredness led him to defy David and eventually Adonijah died a premature death.

Wilson says we should pursue our own plans within the will of God. Our desires fit best within God’s desires.