The girls who make the soy milk delivered some to a village nearby. A blessing!

Marlin passed her orals & now just writes her thesis & ill graduate on schedule. Proud of her!


I am sure you realize that love is the main topic of the Word. But did you realize that humility is the second most taught on discipline in the Bible. The blessing of the Bible is that is was written to be applied to our day-by-day lives.

In the day of Paul humility was seen as a despised characteristic. The Romans especially despised it as a sign of weakness. But for a Christian humility is not an option. It is a command from God. See Ephesians 4:1-2 and Philippians 2:3. Colossians 3:12 tells us to put on humility whereas I Peter 5:5 says “Clothe yourselves with humility towards one another”.

Many people have said I should write a book. But I truly do not know how I could write one without sounding boastful and proud of myself. I want Him to receive all of the glory and honor for what has happened in Guatemala these past 28 years. Even giving my testimony is difficult because I do not want people to think I am somehow a super duper saint. I realize false humility is just as bad as pride.

Jesus did not only preach humility. He lived it. He washed the disciples feet when they were too proud to wash one another’s feet. They even argued about which of them was the greatest of the twelve. Philippians 2:8 shows us the ultimate act of humility.

“He humbled Himself even to death on the cross for our sake”.