Principles of success #9

Larry & Sue got us to the airport in Charlotte early where we ate breakfast and then we had a late lunch in Lake Charles. Very tired! Mark & Gina put us up in the camp again of which we are blessed.

Our two teenage wives texting one another

The seventeenth principle of success is you have to find places of rest along your journey. Mark 6:31 “And he said unto them, come ye, yourselves, apart into a desert place and rest for a while”. Recently last September I was totally exhausted and was down to 140 pounds. Thom and Shawna asked us to come stay in their cabin so we cancelled the trip and went there for over 2 weeks. It restored, refreshed and may have even saved my life.

As we walk through the current situations Dottie & I are headed where we will stay with Larry and Sue and minister at a few places. It will be a time of rest and rejunivation.

18) To get you must give. Acts 20:35 “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. Givers get blessed. That is a principle all through the Word of God. Tightfisted Christians are very seldom truly blessed the way God intended.

Sowing always produces a crop but if you eat your seed you have little to show for your labors. The truth is that as you give God has the material to reimburse and multiply what you sow.