Here come da tongue #9

Josue’ will be in The Woodlands, Texas on March 22nd & 23rd and then again from March 28th through April 3rd. If you would like him to share with your church, group, etc. let us know please. He needs to be taking my place as a speaker.

Two great needs!! We are so far behind on the ceiling tile for the hospital. PLEASE pray about it! We cannot paint and go forward until it is done. Secondly, we lack personnel for the dialysis house. If God lays it on your heart for a 1 year commitment that would be wonderful!



Being married for 54 years gives me some perspective on the destructive power of words. Dottie would say a hearty “Amen”. I could give a thousand excuses I suppose as to why my tongue can be so evil but that would only be futile. But here are a few things I can tell you about the destructiveness of the tongue in relationships.

It is a weapon that many spouses use and is known as the GUILT TRIP. It is used to control the other person. “Well, I hope you are happy now!” is a favorite or “What took you so long?” I have been known to pout to make myself look needy and make Dottie feel as though she is not taking care of me.

I will give you 3 more tomorrow but right now I need to be alone to repent.