6 word story

Pastor David is at Casa so I know the kids are happy.

The school has had a week of civic activities in spite of the problems in our village.


I received a few calls about children’s house names changing and if you are a sponsor of a child then send me their name & I will tell you how to find them on the web page. It is a legal situation. Sorry.

Josue’ had a date Wednesday; shot a shotgun Thursday & fished with our son, Chad, on Friday

Years ago when Ernest Hemingway was at the height of his popular he was asked to write a 6 word story. He wrote,  “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

Stanley wrote of the Bible characters and what their 6 word story would be.

Jonah: “No! Storm. Overboard. Whale. Regurgitate. Yes!”

Noah: “Hated the rain. Loved the rainbow”.

Esau: “At least the stew was good”.

Mary: “Manger. Pain. Joy. Cross. Pain. Joy.”

Rich young ruler: “Jesus called. Left sad. Still rich”.

The good Samaritan: “I came. I saw. I stopped.”

What would you write as a six word story to summarize your life.

Mine would be “I thought I would do more”.